
A Guide To Guidance

By Larry Lynn Southard

The premise of this book is simple:

If you truly want to be led you must put yourself in a position that allows following.

What the book seeks to achieve:

By offering Advices & Queries, Wayfaring serves as a handbook
to help readers place themselves in a position that makes
divine guidance a daily reality.

For whom is the book written

Though written within a Quaker and Christian context, this book can be used by anyone of any religious faith or secular inclination. The only requirement is a desire to follow, to be guided by, to align with the richness of God which the book conceives as verb rather than noun, and which it calls "the Way".

Maybe you are a Catholic, maybe a Protestant, perhaps a priest, a preacher, or a rabbi; maybe a nun, a monk, or a mullah; conceivably non-conformist, evangelical, or progressive; perchance an animist, or a druid; potentially a positivist, possibly a Platonist, conceivably an agnostic, a universalist, a non-theist, or even mayhaps a quirky Quaker or an Infidel with longings. It really does not matter what or who you are, you are welcome here. The Way plays no favourites, yet favours all.

From the Introduction

Potential unravels, becomes a leaf, a dynamic, self-supporting reticulation of veins no wind can easily tear. There is an intelligence here, but not like ours-it is inherent, more native, elemental in its whirly-gig of atoms. In a single season it produces trillions upon trillions of leaves, no two alike, all gobbling sunlight. There is something out and about that is truly wonderful. Something basal in the basement, fearsome and compassionate. Something beyond all expectation. Something greater than any wish ever made, that has the capacity to direct without forcing. To assist Readers in aligning their lives with this power and this intricacy is the objective of Wayfaring: A Guide to Guidance. 

From the Foreword

This is not just a beautiful book, it's an intriguing, challenging, hopeful, uplifting, inspiring, absorbing and exciting series of pathways that lead and follow; captivate and dare; reassess and reassure, and all in a style that rings with truth but also with that rarest of commodities in books about life, death, living, love and spirituality, good humour....Larry Southard has written a book for the ages and from the ages.  

-- John MacKenna,  nominated Ireland's Fiction Laureate

ISBN   978-1-3999-4485-4

Publisher:   Larry Lynn Southard

First published in 2023

Type and dimensions:   hardback  228 pg.  6 in. (w) x 9 in. (h)

Price   €17.00 + postage & packaging

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